Friday, November 7, 2008

A New President

Recently our nation elected a new president, as I'm sure everybody knows. Besides the fact that it's all over the news and the topic of many conversations, the reason I'm thinking about this is because I saw a man wearing a Barack Obama shirt. It has Barack's face on it and I'm pretty sure he was giving a thumbs up or something equally inspiring. It also had the words "change" and "hope" all over it. As an uninformed citizen I wanted to approach this man and as unaggressively as I could, ask him how the topic of his shirt plans to change our nation. Unfortunately I don't believe this person could tell me, and I also firmly believe that he would get angry at me. I am not a racist person, but I firmly believe that race had a big factor in who peole voted for, especially for the uninformed. This applies to white and black people. I know a lot of people around here are worried about what will happen in the future but I'm suprisingly not. But I tend not to worry about things. I don't know where all of that came from or why it came out, but I hope the best for our nation.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh No! It's the cops

There was something there that shouldn’t have been. Through the bordering-on-ridiculously loud chords and notes ripped apart by distortion, the clash of wood on thin metal cymbals and various other too-loud sounds produced by the drum set, and the gentle “puuvvhhfff” of the base something was cutting through that didn’t fit. It was a chore getting the band to quit playing, complete silence was avoided as much as possible for some inexplicable reason, but once the “music” stopped the oddity rang loud and clear.
It sounded a lot like an angry goose. “What is that?” I asked as I walked towards the window. Before I could finagle myself to the window between the amplifiers, cords, and cases to look outside and find the answer to my question, the cyclical flash of blue and red filled the curtains. “Guys it’s the freaking police.” I said disappointedly as my heart began to race. To understand my reaction, you must understand that I was probably the most timid kid that ever lived. I avoided trouble as much as possible by being as good and well mannered as I could. This has gotten better through out the years but I still hadn’t had an encounter like this with the strong arm of the law before.
Of course I was elected to go outside…I mean why wouldn’t I be elected, I was the only one not holding anything so it’s perfectly natural that I charge bravely into the unknown? As my heart tried unsuccessfully to leap out of my chest, I slowly opened the door and fearlessly(and by fearlessly I mean not fearlessly at all) stepped into the cool night air. I was immediately blinded by the 10 billion watt power of a Q-beam, and was forced to shield my eyes before they melted. As I tried to avoid the gigantic glowing green monster consuming my vision I desperately followed the voice of the officer and stumbled over to the car. Why was he still shining his freaking light in my eyes you’re probably wondering(I was wondering the same thing)?
“Come here boy.” He said, country just dripping off his tongue. “Yes sir.” I said politely, my strategy was this…be polite and he’ll go away with out shooting me. “I’ve been out here for 20 minutes honking my horn waiting for y’all to come out. I’ve had neighbors calling in for hours complaining about all the racket y’all are making, and if I have to come out here again I’m going to arrest all of y’all and take y’all down to the station. Understand?” First let’s address the problems with his story…
For starters we had just started the song literally a minute before we stopped so there is no way he was there for 20 minutes, second if he was there I think an exposed, angry-goose horn is louder and more annoying than music muted by thick wooden walls of the cabin we practiced in. And third, why didn’t he lug his lumbering mass out of his car and knock on the door? I mean…who just sits outside and honks for 20 minutes straight? Lastly…how was he going to arrest all 6 of us and take us to the station in one car? He’d have to make at least two trips, and like we would really just sit there waiting for him to come back.