Wednesday, May 11, 2011


A wise man once told me that I should write about my passions, and I think he's right. That wise man was Stephen Lynch and he told me that earlier today. I am going to follow his advice and write this baby about my passions. But first I'm going to ask a question that has always bugged may see this one may should though.

What the hell is a passion fruit? Is it good? Does it look delicious? Is is super sweet? Is it even real?
I hope beyond hope that the answer is yes to all of these questions. I could look it up on google but since I'm in the freaking zone right now I'm not going to do that. Instead I'm going to wonder about it for a while, something we haven't had to do for a while thanks to Al Gore and his stupid invention called the internet.

That was a joke...the internet isn't stupid.

Passions...what in the world am I passionate about?
Well for starters I really like ships, like old ones with poop decks and planks that you can walk and the potential to fly if sprinkled with a little bit of pixie dust. I don't know where this passion came from but I love a good-old classic pirate ship. Maybe it was watching the Darling kids said home on one to go grow up, or maybe it was the old lego set that my parents never bought me. No idea but I love the freaking things. I'd say I'm pretty passionate about those. I don't even like the beach that much or salt water or being cold and hungry, but I didn't get sea-sick on the cruise I went on and I think that's step one to becoming a sailor. I should learn more about knots and rigging and sails and other ship lingo.

Ok next passion...let's go with old keys. I think they are so cool. I want my future house to have a big skeleton key that opens the front door that I have to carry around on my key chain. People would say, "Bro why do you have that giant old key?" and I'd say "It's just my house key." Then I would whip it out real quick and pretend to unlock my front door while holding the other hand in a claw and making an awesome face. Then the inquirer would be jealous and tell his significant other how jealous he is of me.

Ok enough of that...I'm also passionate about memories. Good or bad it's these recollections of past events that give us what wisdom we have today. I love reminiscing with old friends and making new memories with new and old friends alike. I want to be that grandfather that has tons of stories from his life that can captivate an audience of children of all types...and by type I mean type of grand, great grand, or lack of either title. Life is one big journey and that means can be one big story. The quality of that story makes us who we are and who we've been, and that also makes everything worth it...everything.

Lastly and probably most importantly I'm passionate about my faith. It's a questioning and sometimes lacking faith but it's always there. I firmly believe in freedom and in love. I believe that Jesus has freed us from whatever bond is tying us to this world. Not to say I don't question what that looks like and what it takes to truly live your life around that faith, but I do believe those words I just wrote. Unfortunately there are a lot of politics and differing opinions on what the statement actually means, but I find it easier to make my own choices when it comes to interpretations and listen to advice from those who have earned my respect and my ear. I think it's easy to see how powerful love can be and to me that's the easiest way to see God in this world. And when my time is up I sincerely hope and believe that I will be ready and that I will have loved as much and as well as I humanly could. Peter Pan, I really like Peter Pan too b-t-dubbs, said that death is the next adventure and I'm kind of putting all of my eggs in the basket that says it will be the greatest adventure ever.

Not saying I want to die any time soon because then the world would suffer a loss of pure awesomeness and that would truly be a tragedy.

You thought I wouldn't take it there didn't you?

Yea you did...and yea I did.

But bottom line write about what your passionate about and if you can't find anything to write about then you need to find a passion. Even if it's something trivial like ships and old keys, that's a step in the right direction and will at least get the proverbial ball rolling.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Remember that one time I wrote a post about how I got a cubicle at work and I was excited about it?
You don't?
Well it's officially your lucky day because I just learned to link places in a cool way so that it's not some ugly line of letters and symbols that would completely ruin the aesthetics of my blog.
So I'll give you a moment to click that what I wrote it again...memorize it...send me a check for $100 because you want to support my dream of being a writer and you know this would be a great way to do it again just for s's and g's...then return to this post.
Alright I look forward to getting that check.
So basically what has transpired is that I have now once again been upgraded from cubicle to...wait for
That's right I have an office now. And it even has one tiny window in the door. I have all of my awards and stuff on the wall and my very own bookcase and a floor lamp I got from Walmart for $8 and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. Oh and it smells like vanilla because that's my natural scent. Actually that was a lie because the vanilla aroma comes from those little reeds in the colored liquid apparatus. I know right? How feng shui of me.

Can you actually use feng shui in that way? Answer...I can! Boom!

That's been pretty exciting so far because now I can close my door and listen to music while I work and I can also have official meetings with people and do other things that you do in an office. I don't know yet what those things are because I've only had an office for like a week.

On a different note the other day I went to church and got really inspired to write a serious and heart opening post about where I've been and where I want to be and stuff like that but then I lost the inspiration but just wait for it to come back. When it does I'm going to make all of you guys cry.

Really the basis of this was to brag about my new office and procrastinate from doing real work. Oh and you guys will also be glad to know I found something I'm not awesome at. Mortal Combat for the PS3. I'm actually pretty bad at it so if you want to beat me at something you may want to try that. Just saying.