Thursday, March 3, 2011

The American Dream

So I just got a cubicle at very own cubicle. Now I know what you all must be thinking..."Bro, that's pretty thick!"

Really guys? Thick? No thank you...let's stay with awesome.

So back to the cubicle...bottom line is it's pretty awesome. I mean I finally have my own space and can bring stuff from home and hang all sorts of sweet posters and things on every inch of space. I could even bring speakers and a lamp or something cool to set the mood when I have girls over. That was a joke right...see what I did there?

Of course you did.

Anyways the obtainment of a cubicle was something I never dreamed I'd be excited about. If I was being honest with myself I'd probably have known that what you all were thinking earlier was less along the lines of how awesome or "thick" it was, and more along the lines of B.F.D, or maybe just B.D. if you don't like to use profanity. I think that my new found excitement over all things cubicle says a lot about the person I've become in this climate. But to really understand my excitement I have to take you back to the beginning of the journey into the world of all things career. Here we go...

So I graduated from college with a Bachelor's of Arts in Journalism...I know right? Awesome. Then I decided I would prolong everything and go to grad school. It took approximately 6 minutes into my first quarter of grad school to realize I didn't want to go to grad school. Then I figured I would stick around Ruston and just bide my time until something better cam I naturally went to the local newspaper and got a foot-in-the-door job as a person. Yeeaup...I had a paper route and it sucked. So after deciding I needed to move to Austin and blow all of my savings reaching for the success, I turned down the job in the newsroom the paper offered me and dove headfirst into Texas. Next I couldn't get a real job so I settled at Radioshack, or the shack, and immediately hated it. Then I quit that job and decided to move back home because I was broke and I think somewhere there was a girl involved. What did I do next you ask? Well I went after the broadcasting second journalistic dream...and got a job as a graphics technician, which was incredibly dull. Soon I moved into a producer position and began writing the news. It sounds pretty impressive right? I thought so too but then I started hating it for a plethora of reasons and I knew I needed something else. It took me a while to find something else but eventually I landed at Goodwill Industries of North Louisiana as a Data/Lab specialist. But before I really started I became just a Lab Specialist and that is my title to this day. Whew...I barely got through that.

See why I'm excited about my cubicle now? No? Well allow me to clarify further.
Every job I have had I have disliked. EVERY JOB except this one I have now. And at none of them have I had my own space where I can bring a little of my personality into my area to help inspire my creative juices. Even at the news station I bounced around between cubicles even though there were plenty of open ones, I hated them for that btws, so this not only provides me with a sense of appreciation and accomplishment, but provides me with a space to make utterly DAve-like, a synonym for DAve-like is awesome btws. Not only do I feel appreciated at this job but I truly believe in what we're doing and I don't dread going to work everyday. That dread is something I have never wanted to deal with again.

So feel free to stop by sometime if you ever find yourself at 8100 Jump Run...I'll be partying it up in the back at my cube...

Before I go I'm going to give you 1 thing I hate and some trends that I'm starting.

First the thing I hate...the URL for my blog is currently and not If you've ever wondered why that is it's because that URL is taken by some no-talent ass-clown who doesn't even update. What a jerk. I hate that person for having the URL I want and I'm openly coveting it from them. If anyone knows how to steal it contact me and we'll talk.

Now for the trends...feel free to hop on the ole trend wagon if you feel so inclined.
First...whenever I insult someone I immediately yell out "boom roasted" and begin clacking my index finger against my other fingers, like you would if you were packing a dip can.
Next...I'm starting to abbreviate awesome actors names and it's awesome. For example...P-swaze is Patric Swazey(sp?) and B-dubbs is Bruce Willis.
Next...I have begun using the term lol as a verb...for example, "Dang I just read this awesome blog post and loled at work.
And finally on a similar note...I also use the abbreviation BTW in regular everyday dialogue. Except to make it cool I say B-dubbs but with a t in the middle.

I know what you're thinking..." Bro that's pretty thick."

You're right.


andygrass said...

your witty onslaught of sarcasm makes me have a better day. Which is saying something, because I'm having some damn good days right now.

Ruffus IV said...

written like a masterpiece. Dr. Seuss would be so proud...that was a joke. See what I did there?

But seriously, one of the funniest things I have ever read.