Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh, hello suburbia

I'm going to go ahead and confess that I got the idea for this blog from Pioneer Woman, and it's going to be somewhat unoriginal in that aspect, but it'll still be awesome because I'm putting my own spin on it. Not saying that P-dubs isn't awesome but let's be honest...I'm more awesome than she is.

So let's dig in and get through this...BOOM...I couldn't resist that one. You probably don't get it but you will.

Long story short I moved out of my hip downtown loft and into a house in a quiet neighborhood a few blocks down from the house I grew up in...I could probably stand to be a few blocks further away but you take what you can get. In my girlfriend's and my new lifestyle, which involves eating organic vegetables and being more environmentally conscious, we decided we would take advantage of the backyard to attempt to grow some vegetables that we can eat. Think of all the money we will save on organic produce!

This is a picture of the materials I got to build the bed...I read that raised beds are pretty much the way to go and I really don't want to look like an amateur so I went with the respectful way, in case a real gardener comes over and wants to shoot the compost with me...I felt really good about that joke.

If anyone care I bought 14 cedar fence planks and a few bundles of stakes. Then I cut 2 of the planks in half to make a box easily accessible from all sides. I found out that I have enough to build another box so keep that in mind if you go this route. It ended up looking like this...

Then this fine girl came over to help me put some dirt in and get some seeds and plants in the ground. If you're an agent with a lot of contacts that wants a model to pay a bunch of money send me an email or comment or something and we'll talk. Just realize that if she bagged an awesome guy like me she's probably pretty neat too. Here's a picture of her with a sweet garden tool doing something really important...

Then she put some tomato plants in the looked a lot like this...look at those dainty wrists...

Wow first plant can do it little guy.

Then we planted some zucchini seeds, which coincidentally looked a lot like pumpkin seeds so I might be growing pumpkins, and next some broccoli, then the tomatoes in the middle, then onions and last but not least cucumbers. At the end it looked like this...

Let me explain the stone/brick things real quick. I was going to just put them between the two gardens...I haven't built number 2 yet...but I've since decided to just put them all around each one. Keep in mind this isn't my house and I'm not sure what the guy who mows the backyard will think about it but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

It's pretty awesome I know and there's absolutely no chance that this stuff will not grow. What did I learn from this experience you ask?

Pretty much that dirt is expensive and I think I know better than the farmer's almanac and other gardening books. I mean seeds don't need to be pampered like a chef do they? They ought to be able to grow in adverse circumstances. Anyways if you have any questions that you need to ask a gardener, I'm pretty much an expert now so just shoot me a question...see what I did there? With "shoot"

And remember when I dropped that "dig in" joke earlier?

I know right...pretty thick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AHHHHHH you said "p-dub". I'm just so happy about it all.